Well not all migrant teddy bears are as lucky. Here are some pictures documenting their miserable condition, down and out in south London.

It’s better in the matinee, sing Franz Ferdinand in the CD I found a few months ago on my street. It’s definitely cheaper, in the Ritzy’s World Cinema Matinee, £2.50 only. A good day to cycle south to Brixton: the sun was shining in my face. I sat outside in the little square in front of the library with the drunks and the rastas, enjoying the yellow thing in the sky and eating the vegetarian sushi I skipped last night from Pret. Then I went inside the cinema to watch Soy
Made by Mikhael Kalatozishvilli in 1964, this film is the story of
In the first act, we see degenerate
Next Act, a poor farmer is told that his sugar cane field and his little shack were sold to United Fruit ltd, and that he has to leave. He burns his house and crops, he goes mad, he dies; the camera moves backwards, upwards, and the narrator, a woman’s voice:
I am
Sometimes I think that my Royal Palms were watered with blood
Sometimes I think that the sea around me was created by people’s tears
Who is to answer for all the blood,
Who is to answer for all the tears?
United Fruits are now rebranded as Chiquita. Their stickers, like Del Monte's and other agro-empires, are on the bananas I find in the market every week: I know the end of the story. With Fidel’s condition deteriorating, soon they may all be able to return to
In the Guardian I read about Saddam’s deserted villa in the French Riviera. It’s an eight-bedroom secluded mansion near
"Inside and out, the stone walls are covered with graffiti, windows have been wrenched off their hinges and the terraced gardens, complete with 8-metre (25ft) swimming pool, are crumbling under years of weeds and neglect.
"Signs of wealth have been replaced by the detritus of squatters: filthy mattresses, rusting cookers and empty beer bottles. Only a long since quaffed bottle of Château Lafite champagne, a carton of Johnnie Walker limited edition whisky and a dusty pile of Arabic magazines, one containing a photo of Saddam, testify to more opulent days.
"A neighbour said: It’s a great pity to see such a lovely place just left to go to ruin. … you can’t miss what the squatters and vandals have done to the place. But I’m not sure whether I’d prefer having Saddam and family living there or squatters”.
No doubt, it’s a tough call. Imagine you have a $ 3 million villa in the
Locking my bike to a fence in Hackney, I’m hit by the sudden tingeing smell of Geranium; it’s January in
If this warmth is part of Climate Change, Act One, the rest of the play will not be as comfortable. Not only this summer is predicted to be the hottest ever; the longer term might see a much colder
* * *
On the bendy bus near Liverpool Street Station, a white man jumps in through the back door, a glass in his hand, with a slice of orange in it. He looks in his late twenties, perhaps a student, but more likely an office person. He smells of vodka. The driver’s voice, an African accent, comes through the loudspeakers:
the man with the glass at the back, you can’t take the glass on the bus.
The man gulps down his drink in haste, then throws the glass through the bus open doors on the pavement. The glass breaks into a thousand pieces.
The bus deriver’s tired voice on the loudspeakers:
Have you no brains at all?
The man waits for one second, ‘NO’ he says with anger, then stumbes off to find a seat.
* * *
Kuffia, the traditional Arab rural headscarf for men, is becoming trendy in London. It seems to have moved beoyond the niche-market of wannabe-radical students outside SOAS college. I see a few people wearing it every day especially in hip cafes and so forth. I read somewhere it is actually manufactured in China by Israeli businessmen, and I wouldn't be surprised.
1. The cheap European airlines have a distinct Eastern-Bloc feel about them. Most of the air-crew seems to come from
2. CocoRosie have taken over the world; at least over its i-book-users population. The global apple-powered avant-garde likes the spooky, quirky feel of their thin voices. I’ve heard ‘Noah’s Arc’ first in
4. On return, I was questioned by the immigration officer on my studies. It was eleven at night and I’ve had a long day, which included driving in the left lane in the wrong country with almost catastrophic consequences. To avoid complications I said as usual ‘PhD in History of Art’. It’s not really what I do but it sounds obscure and harmless. For this officer, however, it wasn’t enough.
But what exactly is the subject of your thesis, he insisted. Are you looking at a specific style, such as Pointillism, or a period, like the Baroque? And what is your argument?
I stared at him with disbelief.
‘Modern visual culture’ I mumbled.
‘That’s a bit broad’ he said.
None the less he stamped my passport and allowed me back into the country.
grey skies and contemplations